The Fastest Way to Create and Manage Medical Information
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Supports adult, pediatric and fetal ultrasound with Z scores, chest wall, trans-esophageal OR TEE, ICE and stress echocardiography diagnostic reporting.
Vascular Ultrasound
Provides a full head-to-toe vascular ultrasound reporting tool. Easy to use diagramming tools provide a professional touch to your reports.
Nuclear Stress
Routine, nuclear exercise and pharmacologic stress and MUGA scan reporting. Treadmill integration makes completing stress reports fast and easy.
Cardiac Catheterization
Cardiac and peripheral vascular diagnostic and Interventional studies. MD, RN, billing, inventory, PCI registry, scheduling all supported, Unique visual coronary tool supplants dictation.
Unified system for physician, nursing, billing, inventory, ICD and AF registries. Ablations, devices, diagnostic studies, cardioversion and tilt testing supported.
“Our department tripled our productivity and I am confident we are producing standards-compliant structured reports that are concise, accurate and immediately available to referring physicians.”