Consolidate Cardiology Reporting Into One System
Designed by Experts
Stress testing is an essential screening exam for coronary artery disease. The EncaptureMD Nuclear Modality Report is optimized for routine stress, Nuclear stress including exercise and pharmacologic stress and MUGA scanning.
EncaptureMD can supplement existing Nuclear viewers or View DICOM images via secondary capture, thereby allowing a single, unified source for all Cardiology reports.
- Easy to learn and use. The team all works in one system.
- Handles all roles - Nuclear stress tech and attending, Exercise stress tech and attending.
- Treadmill integration streamlines workflow - waveform PDFs and stress data flow effortlessly into EncaptureMD fields. It even works if the patient has to switch between an exercise and pharmacologic stress test.
- All EncaptureMD reports are IAC compliant and accreditation-ready.
- Works side-by-side with existing reading stations.
- Successful and Incomplete stress protocols allow for complete reports when an exercise study is switched to a pharmacologic study.
- Simultaneous User features allows multiple people to be entering data on the patient.
- Duke treadmill scores are calculated -it even converts Modified Bruce and Naughton protocols to Bruce protocol METS for accurate results.